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ISO 14001 - Creating conditions for continuous improvement of environmental performance

Whether we consider the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, or the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. Companies - corporations and SME's have an important role to play in raising awareness and formulating concrete implementation steps.

The introduction of an operational environmental management system (EMS) according to ISO 14001 serves to steer an organization towards continuous improvement of its environmental performance and thus supports efforts to achieve global sustainability goals. United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

The requirements for an EMS in accordance with ISO 14001 can be illustrated using the PDCA cycle

as follows.

Added value of the implementation of ISO 14001

1. the ecological footprint is improved sustainably and the responsibility towards the environment is actively perceived

2. reduction of environmental risks for your company

3. integration of environmental management into business processes

4. continuous implementation of the required environmental protection measures

5. further development of the quality management system (CIP)

Integrated management system

If your company is already certified against ISO 9001, ISO 14001 (EMS) can be easily integrated due to the harmonized standard structure, as many requirements apply equally.

Set a strong example for sustainability and climate protection.

Interested in ISO certification? Contact me for a non-binding call. Martina Dudle Snydr

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