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New era in the logistics industry

Supply chain resilience is more important than ever. The pandemic, rising consumer expectations, and issues such as driver shortages or rising fuel prices are catapulting logistics companies into a new era - in terms of complexity.

Representing other logistics companies, I interviewed Daniel Heim, Head of QSP Sieber Group, Sieber Transport.

Martina Dudle: Changing framework conditions, such as the pandemic, have upset the construct of global supply chains. How do you assess future developments?

Daniel Heim: As a logistics provider, we support our customers along the entire supply chain. The last few years have brought additional complexities for companies. We therefore assume that the fundamental responsiveness and flexibility of a logistics provider will be in much greater demand in the coming years - without, of course, any loss of service quality.

Martina Dudle: What other current challenges do logistics companies face?

Daniel Heim: The current big issues are the shortage of skilled workers and the decarbonization of the supply chain. The latter in particular sometimes requires logistics companies to rethink familiar procedures, processes and structures as well as investments.

Martina Dudle: How do you counter these?

Daniel Heim: Sieber is reducing its ISO 14064-certified CO2 footprint by shifting from road to rail and is focusing on electric mobility for delivery vehicles in Switzerland. In international transport, however, we find it somewhat difficult to exert any concrete measurable influence.

We are trying to counter the shortage of skilled workers with a good workplace, a range of training and further education programs, and - especially for our drivers - with modern working time management.

Martina Dudle: What is the current status with regard to electromobility?

Daniel Heim: Commercial electromobility has made significant progress in recent years. Particularly in very clear and plannable scheduled transports, these trucks can already be operated economically today. In small-scale transports, the daily output is not yet sufficient to be economically efficient. Sieber is therefore investing in delivery vehicles with a total weight of up to 4.2 tons and is already supplying urban areas in this way.

Martina Dudle: How do you rate assistance systems and autonomous driving?

Daniel Heim: That is difficult to judge. The necessary technologies and approvals are still major hurdles. But on the way to autonomous driving, drivers are already supported by many systems today. Modern trucks today are true technological wonders.

Martina Dudle: What consequences do all these technical possibilities have in terms of the logistics profession?

Daniel Heim: Today, logisticians use a wide variety of technologies and, above all, software to make service provision more efficient, to make planning more precise, to optimize communication and to automate processes. As a result, the skills required of the profession have also changed significantly, for example, and the focus of investment has shifted.

Martina Dudle: What do you see as the added value of ISO certification?

Daniel Heim: We see the added value primarily in the audit. From an external perspective, a neutral person examines our processes and concepts, provides direct feedback and thus creates the opportunity for further improvement. Pure CIP.

Martina Dudle: What distinguishes Attesta from other certification companies?

Daniel Heim: As a young Attesta customer, we got to know an open and constructive approach. We very much appreciate the direct, well-founded and implementable findings.

Martina Dudle: What are you particularly proud of as an entrepreneur?

Daniel Heim: I am proud of our motivated and solution-oriented employees. They always manage to inspire our customers.

Martina Dudle: If you could wish for something for your company, what would it be?

Daniel Heim: Certainly we would wish for the best possible framework conditions, a dynamically growing market, infrastructures at logistically ideal locations, and customers whom we can serve and inspire in a holistic way. But sometimes a crystal ball would simply be helpful.

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